Work on the 7th session of the East Congo Annual Conference began on Sunday 7 July 2019 at the local church in Kibombo district. For this first day, an opening cult was organized followed by the opening word by Bishop Unda, and the executive committee was subsequently convened.
Opening Cult
The preaching was done by Bishop Unda. He drew his sermon in the books of John 5:1-9 and Isaiah 23:1 under the theme “Jesus Christ is the solution to our problems” Jesus Christ remains the solution to all our problems. There is no one else. We must not rely on umbrellas, we must not rely on a human person, because the latter can disappoint you. You think that when you have umbrellas, you will not be burned or exposed to the sun. You are wrong, because Jesus Christ remains the only parasoll in our lives. Today, our country and our world is filled with anti-values; even in church activities, in our schools, hospitals, some begin to demand consideration, goats and bribes to succeed in hiring someone. Another observation that I have done what today, some young people want to replace the personalities who preceded them in the structures. Some simply because they have umbrellas. They use these umbrellas to try to replace the others. However, many of them do not yet have the experience to carry out the tasks entrusted to them. I’m calling on you to be patient. You who have nothing today, it is Jesus Christ who will give you what you need. The paralytic waited for several years before receiving healing from Jesus Christ. He spent 38 years. Jesus did not take into account the speed of throwing himself into the water, but he healed it. Isaiah 43:27, God tells us that we have value in the eyes of God. Jesus gives us the same consideration. He does not consider anyone with much more values than the other. We have the same value in his eyes, which is why the Bible tells us that Jesus was interested in the paralytic. In 2016, while I was in Germany where I attended the commemoration of the fall of the Nazis, a soldier from Australia testified that he had killed 20 Jews, but he regrets it, he cried and asked God for forgiveness. In view of the security situation we are living in our country, especially in the East and everywhere there is insecurity, we find this unacceptable. The Bible tells us that if you fish, keep doing it, keep killing, but it will happen one day or you will suffer the same fate. Everything pays off down here. Compared to Adolphe Hitler who persecuted the Jews, find out what he suffered; today we do not even know where his grave is. This is to tell you that everything you do to others, you will suffer the same fate. All that is necessary and you still need to do is make the decision to give up what you do to confide in Jesus Christ. Whether I am a Catholic, a Muslim or a Protestant, the only solution is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He’s the one who told us, come to me, all of you who have burdens and I’ll give you some rest. God bless his word.
Keynote address of Bishop Unda Yemba Gabriel [caption id”””align-“alignnone” width-“1080”] Bishop Unda Yemba Gabriel delivers his opening address to the 7th session of the Annual Conference of Eastern Congo. These meetings were held at the local church City in the ecclesiastical district of Kibombo. Photo by Chadrack Londe[/caption]
In his speech, the United Methodist Bishop of the Eastern Congo Episcopal Region thanked God before recalling that these meetings are held immediately after the general elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo and which resulted in the alternation of power the country’s leader, the DRC. “No country gave our country the chance to elections that would end without bloodshed and the death of men, no one! everyone thought it would be the end of the DRC and we’re going to take it off the world map,” Bishop Unda said.
The man of God believes that the organization of elections without bloodshed is an expression of the political maturity of the actors of the DRC and hopes that this peaceful situation can continue in this way, before congratulating the new President of the Republic Democratic Republic of Congo and wish it a successful mandate. Bishop Unda believes that this alteriancy at the head of the country will bring change to the DRC.
Bishop Unda believes that this alteriancy at the head of the country will bring change to the DRC.
Bishop. Unda Yemba Gabriel congratulated the new Governor of Maniema Province on his election as head of Maniema province.
“We take this opportunity to congratulate the newly elected Governor in a special and exceptional manner His Excellency the Governor of Maniema Province, #AuguyMusafiri who received us in his office for more than 40 minutes for an interview,” said Bishop. Gabriel Unda Yemba.
The Man of God prayed for the Governor of the province. “Let us pray to God that he will fill him with this unalterable gift in the conduct of his people towards a better tomorrow, let him be reassured that our Episcopal Region will support him and accompany him in all his actions,” said Bishop Unda Yemba Gabriel.
He recalled that the Central Conference of 2018 held in Kolwezi abolished the episcopal elections after the first term and made a historic decision to consecrate a newly elected bishop candidate for life. “This decision is justified for two major reasons, because in four years, realism obliges, it is difficult to carry out work visits over the whole extent of the Episcopal Region to build churches, schools, hospitals etc… all this immensity of work causes stress in the head of newly elected. As a result, the new electoral procedure benefits new generations. »
Bishop Unda announced the election of two new Bishops at Congo’s next Central Conference in Kindu in 2020. This will bring the number of episcopal regions in the Central Conference of Congo to six. He also announced the approval of kindu United Methodist University by the Ministry of Guardianship.
A minute’s silence was observed in memory of the Pastors and lay people who died during this ecclesiastical year. The bishop recommended to God the souls of the missing.
Bishop Unda recalled that the theme in our Episcopal Region is “Let’s Rise and Build with Christ.” This motto, according to Bishop Unda, concerns all the faithful of the United Methodist Church concerned with our collective growth. “The Union is the Force,” he says.
With the time for self-care, Bishop Unda said that “Let’s get up and build” is about collecting $1 a month per faithful. According to bishop, if everyone stood up as one man, the church would earn $532 thousand a month and $6 million,384 thousand a year. “This contribution will enable the church to have sufficient financial resources to advance God’s work through evangelization by building temples and improving the living conditions of servants, a major pillar of the dimension of its social evangelism. »
Regarding the public and community part, Bishop Unda reported that the United Methodist Church in Congo is building schools, hospitals and giving scholarships to students studying at its universities.
Bishop Unda also reported that the $1 contribution vision has crossed the borders of the Congo Episcopal Region and serves as a model for other regions. He announced a systematic evaluation of the level of internalization of the $1 contribution process in order to put in place new strategies for the advancement of God’s work in the Eastern Congo Episcopal Region.
After a long pause, the Executive Committee held until late in the evening.
Other important facts
The opening cult was attended by the administrator of the territory of Kibombo. The Mayor of this rural commune also took part in the ceremony.
During the study, Bishop Unda Yemba Gabriel also handed over a motorbike to the Superintendent of the Ecclesiastical District of Kibombo to congratulate him on evangelization.