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Meet Bishop Gabriel Unda
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Church helps displaced Central Africans living in Congo
Through UMCOR’s Global Migration program, The United Methodist Church disbursed $50,000 to help families living in a refugee camp.
United Methodists organize peace caravan in the Congo
The United Methodist Commission on Religion and Race provided financial support for the caravan, according to the Rev. Simon Kombi Ramazani, council on ministries director and Religion and Race coordinator for the East Congo Episcopal Area.
Celebrating 100 years of mission in Eastern Congo
Bishops, clergy and laity representing the country’s four episcopal regions of The United Methodist Church gathered recently to celebrate the first 100 years of Methodist mission in Eastern Congo.
Church in East Congo celebrates 100 years of existence
During a special Feb. 22 service at the Cité Salama local church in the Kindu South District, East Congo Annual Conference, pastors and congregants danced and sang in celebration.
Bishop Unda picked to lead ecumenical group
The CCC is a union of 95 Protestant and evangelical Christian denominations in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Bishop Unda, who also is the moderator of the National Synod of the Church of Christ in Congo, thanked God for his new role.
Church promotes COVID-19 vaccines in Africa
The United Methodist Church continues to collaborate with governments in Africa to promote COVID-19 vaccinations.